Thank you for your interest in membership at LaPorte Assembly. Let’s be honest, there are few decisions in life more important than finding a church “Home”. That place where you are comfortable but still find yourself being challenged to know God better and grow in your relationship with Him. We also know just how difficult it can be to find that place. With this in mind, we have designed our process of Membership in a way that gives you the chance to learn more about LaPorte Assembly, its mission, its history, and its journey, while giving us the chance to get to know you better.

We encourage you to take a few minutes to read through the membership information below and then click the button to complete the Membership Application. Once that application is completed someone from the staff will be in contact with you shortly with the date of our next Membership Class. Thank you and we look forward to getting to know you better.

LPAG Staff

Expectations for Membership

Membership at LaPorte Assembly opens up opportunities for you to serve in leadership in a greater way and gives you a vote in major decisions that are made about the church. Therefore, it is important that our members meet certain minimum requirements, so that together we can best direct the course of the church in line with God’s heart and the mission He has given you.

The minimum requirements…


  • All members must have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior (John 3:5-8) and maintain a consistently Christ-honoring lifestyle. (Titus 2:11-12)

  • All members must have been baptized in water by immersion in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)

  • All members must have and maintain a meaningful and daily prayer life.

  • All members must read the Bible as a regular part of their daily life.


  • All members must regularly attend weekend services and pursue active involvement in an LPAG Home Group.


  • All members must serve regularly in an area of ministry at LaPorte Assembly.

  • All members must tithe faithfully at LaPorte Assembly.

  • All members must agree with LaPorte Assembly’s belief statements, strategy, and structure.

    for more info:

  • All members must protect the unity of LaPorte Assembly by acting in love toward others, refusing to gossip and following the leadership. (Romans 15: 5-6)

  • All members must carry a desire to share in the responsibility of LaPorte Assembly by praying for its growth, by inviting the unchurched to attend and by warmly welcoming those who visit.

  • All members must have attended the LPAG Membership Class.

If you are committed to fulfilling these above expectations, click the button to complete the Membership Application. Once that application is completed someone from the staff will be in contact with you shortly with the date of our next Membership Class.