Find Your Place to Serve
Each campus has many amazing teams of volunteers available for you to join them. Lifeteams make a difference in the lives of every person who comes through our doors, from the parking lot to the platform. We encourage you to join a team, make new friends, and own the atmosphere at your campus through serving on a Lifeteam. This is your invitation to be part of what God is doing at River Valley Church!
Find a Lifeteam
Discover Your Gifts to Serve
Each of us has been gifted by God with unique talents, abilities, and passions, and we want to help you to learn and use those gifts. One of the ways to discover your gifts is through a Spiritual Gifts Assessment. The assessment normally takes about 20 minutes to complete, and your results will be emailed to you. Once your assessment is complete, we encourage you to browse our recommendations for serving opportunities unique to your gifts using the Spiritual Gifts Match link.
Take the Test…
Spiritual Gifts Match
Spiritual Gifts Match
After you have discovered your top three gifts, browse our recommendations for serving opportunities that fit you best
The special ability that God gives to clearly understand the immediate and long range goals of a ministry and is able to devise, manage and execute plans to achieve goals and purposes for the church body.
Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Office Administration, LifeTeam Leader, Café, Facilities, Family Registration, Production, Welcome Center
The special ability that God gives to assume and exercise divinely imparted authority in order to establish the foundational government of a sphere of ministry; an apostle hears from the Holy Spirit and set things in order accordingly for the church’s health, growth, maturity and outreach. Is also able to work with other cultures.
Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Alpha Program Helper, Local and Global Project, GoKids Volunteer, LifeGroup Leader, LifeTeam Leader, Prayer Team, Street Team, Youth Leader
The special that God gives to know with assurance whether certain behaviors purported to be of God are in reality divine, human or evil. Able to see through chaos or confusion and determine problems and possible outcomes. Can correlate problems to violation of biblical truths.
Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Alpha Program Helpers, Greeters, Prayer Team, LifeGroup Leaders, LifeTeam Leaders, Local and Global Project, Security, Street Team, Us
The special ability that God gives to share the gospel with non-believers in such a way that they become followers of Christ and responsible members of the church.
Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Alpha Program Helper, Café, GoKids Volunteer, Greeter, LifeGroup Leader, LifeTeam Leader, Local and Global Project, Marriage Mentor, Prayer Team, Street Team, Youth Leader, Worship, Welcome Center
Sometimes called the gift of counseling- the special ability that God gives to minister words of comfort, consolation, encouragement and counsel to other believers in such a way that they feel helped and are moving toward healing.
Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Alpha Program Helper, Church Care, GoKids, Greeter, LifeGroup Leader, LifeTeam Leader, Marriage Mentor, Prayer Team, Street Team, Ushers, Welcome Center, Worship, Youth Leader
The special ability to see with extraordinary confidence the will and purposes of God for future of His work even when others see only obstacles.
Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Alpha Table Leader, Church Care, LifeGroup Leader, LifeTeam Leader, Local and Global Project, Prayer Team, Worship, Youth Leader
The special ability that God gives to contribute financially to the work of the Lord liberally and cheerfully, above and beyond the tithes and offerings expected to all believers.
Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Local and Global Project, Kingdom Builders, Financial Peace University Facilitators, LifeGroup Leaders, Marriage Mentors
The special ability God gives to discover, accumulate, analyze and clarify information and ideas that are from the Holy Spirit that are pertinent to the growth and well-being of followers of Christ.
Recommended Serving Opportunities:
LifeGroup Leader, LifeTeam Leader, Local and Global Project, Prayer Team, Marriage Mentor, Street Team, Worship, Youth Leader
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Under 18
18 to 24
25 to 34
35 to 44
45 to 54
55 and Over
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Spiritual Gifts Test