It’s one thing to read the Bible, but God’s intention for the Bible was so much more than just a casual or dutiful reading. God intended for us to take the time… slow down and really study His Word and how it applies to our everyday lives. And when we do take the time, suddenly words we may have read repeatedly over the years start to jump off the page.

So, our challenge as followers of Christ is to make it a habit to go beyond just reading the Bible, into studying God’s Word. For this we would like to introduce you to a simple and practical strategy of Bible Study designed to help every person experience the Word of God coming ALIVE and POWERFUL. This is called the S.O.A.P. method. So, here’s what it looks like…


S – The S stands for SCRIPTURE

For this first step you’re simply going to WRITE OUT the designated scripture in a Bible study Journal… you’ll be amazed what God will reveal to you just by taking the time to slow down and actually writing out what you’re reading!

O – The O stands for OBSERVATION

For this step you’re going to ask yourself questions like…

  • What jumps out to me in this passage?

  • Who is it written by?

  • Who is it written to?

  • What’s one thing I have never noticed in this verse before?

  • What seems interesting or unusual?

  • What comes before and after the text?

  • Is there repetition, comparison, or contrast?

This is a great place to practice inviting the Holy Spirit to teach and reveal to you what it is you should focus on.

A – The A stands for APPLICATION

This is the part when God’s Word becomes very personal. When you will personalize this scripture and ask God…

  • What are You saying to ME today through this scripture?

    • Maybe it’s encouragement, instruction, correction for an area of your life or revelation of a new promise.

  • How can I apply what I just read to my own personal life?

  • What changes do I need to make?

  • Is there an action that I need to take?

Now here is where too many people stop… They get an idea of what God is saying… what needs to change or what needs to be removed or added to their lives, but they never make an action plan. The application part of this strategy isn’t complete until you RESPOND to what God is trying to speak to you. So, don’t forget to finish this step by making an action plan.

P – And finally P stands for PRAYER

Pray God’s Word back to Him. If He has revealed something to you during this time in His Word, pray about it. Confess if He has revealed some sin that is in your life. Remember, accumulating head knowledge about God is of little use; it’s heart transformation He’s after, and that’s only possible through the work of the Holy Spirit so ask Him to continue growing you into a disciple of Jesus.