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WEEK #2… Saturday September 4- Friday September 10th

_____ Review the Band of Brothers Creed.  

_____ Review the 2021 Band of Brothers Spring Tour Guidelines


 _____ Before you dive into this week’s challenges take some time and finish this statement in your journal (physical or digital journal)…

“I would define my SPIRITUAL JOURNEY at this point as… ________________________________________________________________________________________.”

 _____ Read Chapter 9 SCRIPTURE (pages 137-151) in your Called to Act book…

According to the American Bible Society only 37% of people read the Bible once a week or more.
— Vince Miller... Called to Act

_____ Complete the “Reflection and Discussion Questions” from the Called to Act book… (page 152)

… Write out your answers to these questions in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal).

… Be prepared to discuss these questions during your squad meeting.


_____ Think through and Memorize… 

NEHEMIAH 4:14 NLT… “Don’t be afraid of the enemy! Remember the Lord, who is great and glorious, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes!”


_____ Complete Days 8-14 of the 35 Day Challenge

__________ Day #8

Read Proverbs 1 (5 minutes)

Pray for 5 minutes using PACT method (5 minutes)

__________ Day #9

Pray out-loud for 1-minutes prior to reading scripture that God would teach, rebuke, correct, and train you during the reading.       

Then read Proverbs 2.

Follow this with praying out-loud for 4-minutes using the P.A.C.T. method

__________ Day #10

Pray out-loud for 1-minute prior to reading

Read Proverbs 3 with this question in mind—"What does this author [King Solomon] want his people to know about God?"

Pray out-loud for 4-minutes about the lesson you identified using the P.A.C.T. method

__________ Day #11

Pray prior for 1-minute

Read Proverbs 4

Stop when convicted and consider what you need to stop, start, or continue

Pray for 4-minutes today on the subject you that convicted you using the P.A.C.T. method.

__________ Day #12

Pray prior for 1-minute

Read Proverbs 5

Share a verse or a principle with someone from the reading

Pray for 4-minutes today using the P.A.C.T. method

__________ Day #13

__________ Day #14

Do a P.A.S.S on scripture:

* Pray Prior to reading

* Author's Intent

* Stop when Convicted

* Share what you learn

Close your time in prayer using the P.A.C.T. method.

P.A.C.T. in prayer—Pray | Ask | Confess | Thank

P.A.S.S on scripture—Pray Prior to reading | identify Author's Intent | Stop when Convicted | Share what you learn

What I have come to learn is that the Bible seems overly complicated for us men. And when something gets complicated for a man, he punts on engagement.
— Vince Miller... Called to Act

_____ Journal 3 times this week in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal) about what God is speaking to you.

_____ Connect with your accountability partner on Wednesday and DISCUSS the following questions/topics with him…

… “When I take time to really read and study God’s Word it ________________.”

… My favorite scripture verse in the Bible is ___________________________.

. We encourage you to connect with your accountability partner multiple times each week to encourage one another and pray for one another, however the Wednesday connection is mandatory and is a strike-able offence.

All scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, and correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
— 2 Timothy 3:16-17


_____Take notes on at least 1 sermon you have heard this week. Notes will go into your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal).

_____ Do something TANGIBLE this week to remove any obstacle that prevents you from reading the Bible regularly. Write what you have done in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal) AND share this tangible step with your Accountability Partner.


Day 1…

_____ Weigh yourself and Record your starting weight in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal)

2 Days this week…

Do this routine 3x’s per day all in one session, not throughout the day.

_____ 10 pushups 

_____ 10 situps 

_____ 10 squats 

_____ Jumping jacks for 30 seconds 

_____ Drink 8 glasses of water per day 

Final Day …

_____ As many pushups as you can at once in one minute. Record Results in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal)

_____ As many situps as you can do at once in one minute. Record Results in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal) 

_____ As many squats as you can do in 30 seconds. Record Results in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal)

_____ As many jumping jacks you can do in 30 seconds. Record Results in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal)

_____ Drink 8 glasses of water. 

_____ Weigh yourself again and Record Results in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal)


When you have completed your weekly challenges your final step is to complete the Weekly Accountability Form. Simply click the button below and you will be directed to that form. #builtforthis