WEEK #5… Saturday September 25th- Friday October 1st
_____ Before you dive into this week’s challenges take some time and finish this statement in your journal (physical or digital journal)…
“For me the concept of MINISTRY has always been… ____________________________________________________________________________________.”
_____ Read Chapter 12 ACCOUNTABILITY (pages 183-204) in your Called to Act book…
“As men we have this insatiable drive to live purposeful lives”
_____ Complete the “Reflection and Discussion Questions” from the Called to Act book… (page 204)
… Write out your answers to these questions in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal).
… Be prepared to discuss these questions during your squad meeting.
_____ Think through and commit to your memory all of the scriptures from previous weeks… The TEST is coming!
_____ Complete Days 29-35 of the 35 Day Challenge
__________ Day #29
P.A.C.T.—Pray | Ask | Confess | Thank
P.A.S.S.—Pray Prior | Author's Intent | Stop when Convicted | Share
Stop disqualifying yourself you are indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God.
Write down one way you have disqualified yourself and confess this in your prayer time to God.
__________ Day #30
P.A.C.T.—Pray | Ask | Confess | Thank
P.A.S.S.—Pray Prior | Author's Intent | Stop when Convicted | Share
Remember you are repurposed and ready for ministry because you are a subject of the Lord who now takes control of the life and the skill, talent, and abilities you have and will use them for His purposes not your purposes.
__________ Day #31
P.A.C.T.—Pray | Ask | Confess | Thank
P.A.S.S.—Pray Prior | Author's Intent | Stop when Convicted | Share
Ask yourself this question and then act on it: How does Jesus want you to obediently follow him today?
__________ Day #32
P.A.C.T.—Pray | Ask | Confess | Thank
P.A.S.S.—Pray Prior | Author's Intent | Stop when Convicted | Share
Ask yourself this question today and then do it: How can I influence the lives that I will influence today for Jesus?
__________ Day #33
P.A.C.T.—Pray | Ask | Confess | Thank
P.A.S.S.—Pray Prior | Author's Intent | Stop when Convicted | Share
Declare It. Go public in some way, at least with one person, if not many.
Put your obedience and influence together, and keep doing it daily
How does Jesus want you to obediently follow him today?
How can we influence the lives that I will influence today for Jesus?
__________ Day #34
__________ Day #35
P.A.C.T.—Pray | Ask | Confess | Thank
P.A.S.S.—Pray Prior | Author's Intent | Stop when Convicted | Share
Build a Movement of Men. Start leading other men!
Just structure a small group around our five activities. If you need an outline do this:
PRAYER—(5 minutes) As a group, ask for prayer requests and then using the P.A.C.T. method to pray.
SCRIPTURE—(20 minutes) As a group, select a paragraph/section of scripture and study it using the P.A.S.S. method.
BROTHERHOOD—(15 minutes) In pairs and use the 411 method to have a discussion
ACCOUNTABILITY—(10 minutes) In pairs, D.O. accountability
MINISTRY—(10 minutes) As a group talk about your need for obedience and how you influenced others this last week.
P.A.C.T.—Pray | Ask | Confess | Thank
P.A.S.S.—Pray Prior | Author's Intent | Stop when Convicted | Share
Lead others using the 35-Day Challenge
Your link is here:
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
_____ Journal 3 times this week in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal) about what God is speaking to you.
_____ Connect with your accountability partner on Wednesday and DISCUSS the following questions/topics with him…
… “When is a time that you and I can meet up 1 time a month to be iron sharpening iron for one another?”
… Write down that date and time and out it in your phone calendar ___________________________.
. We encourage you to connect with your accountability partner multiple times each week to encourage one another and pray for one another, however the Wednesday connection is mandatory and is a strike-able offence.
“Your design- made manifest through your talents, gifts, abilities- is direct evidence of your purpose: to channel everything you are into good works. THESE GOOD WORKS TO WHICH GOD HAS CALLED US ARE OUR MINISTRY.”
_____Take notes on at least 1 sermon you have heard this week. Notes will go into your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal).
_____ Determine 1 thing God has been asking you to do, but you have been resisting, and JUST DO IT! Write what you have done in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal) AND share this tangible step with your Accountability Partner.
“David also said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you.”
Day 1…
_____ Weigh yourself and Record your starting weight in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal)
2 Days this week…
Do this routine 3x’s per day all in one session, not throughout the day.
_____ 10 pushups
_____ 10 situps
_____ 10 squats
_____ Jumping jacks for 30 seconds
_____ Drink 8 glasses of water per day
Final Day …
_____ As many pushups as you can at once in one minute. Record Results in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal)
_____ As many situps as you can do at once in one minute. Record Results in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal)
_____ As many squats as you can do in 30 seconds. Record Results in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal)
_____ As many jumping jacks you can do in 30 seconds. Record Results in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal)
_____ Drink 8 glasses of water.
_____ Weigh yourself again and Record Results in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal)
When you have completed your weekly challenges your final step is to complete the Weekly Accountability Form. Simply click the button below and you will be directed to that form. #builtforthis