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WEEK #6…

PRIMAL NEED: To Satisfy My Souls Thirst for Transcendence, Awe and Communion


 _____ Before you dive into this week’s challenges take some time and finish this statement in your journal (physical or digital journal)…

“When it comes to taking care of my soul I would say I… _______________________________________________________________.”

 _____ Read pages 107-131 in the Man Alive book…

_____ Watch the video “Soul Making” (4:40) … 

… Write your notes and observations of the video in your journal (physical or digital journal).

Most men know only enough about God to be disappointed with Him. Patrick Morley... Man Alive

_____ Complete the “Reflection and Discussion Questions” in the Man Alive book… (page 131)

… Write out your answers to these questions in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal).

… Be prepared to discuss these questions in your squad this Friday night.

“Unfortunately, the last thing most men think about is taking care of their souls.” Patrick Morley... Man Alive

 In Matt 22:29 Jesus makes a direct connection between knowing the Bible and leading a powerful life.

_____ Think through and Memorize… Review the scriptures from the previous weeks

_____ Complete 5 Days of the “Journey 14 | The Fight of Your Life” in the Through the Word App

_____ Listen…        Listen to the audio teaching on the chapter for the day …       

_____ Read…         Read through (or listen) to the assigned chapter for the day…                 

_____ Think…        Journal (physical or digital journal) 3 times this week… 

… What is God saying to you?…

                            … Use the SOAP method if that is your preference… 

_____ Pray…          Spend some time talking to God and some time listening to God…  

_____ Connect with your accountability partner on Wednesday. We encourage you to connect with your accountability partner multiple times each week to encourage one another and pray for one another, however the Wednesday connection is mandatory and is a strike-able offence.


“Service is important- we’re saved for good works. But the lesson is to fill up in your personal relationship with Jesus first, then serve out of the overflow of your communion with Him.” Patrick Morley... Man Alive

_____Take notes on at least 1 sermon you have heard this week. Notes will go into your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal).

_____ Spend as much time as is needed to complete and ponder your answers to the “Your Being versus Doing Profile” exercise in the Man Alive Book pages 122-124.

_____ Follow this link and read this article… “How to Have a Consistent Quiet Time”




When you have completed your weekly challenges your final step is to complete the Weekly Accountability Form. Simply click the button below and you will be directed to that form. #builtforthis