WEEK #7…
PRIMAL NEED: To Love and Be Loved Without Reservation
_____ Before you dive into this week’s challenges take some time process the authors question from page 138… write out your answers in your journal (physical or digital journal)…
“Do you feel handicapped in your most important relationships? God, Spouse, Kids, friends I … ______________________________________________________________.”
_____ Read pages 133-160 in the Man Alive book…
_____ Watch the video “To Love and Be Loved” (5:49) …
… Write your notes and observations of the video in your journal (physical or digital journal).
“Despite what you see in the headlines and hear on the talk shows, men are made for relationships. I’d even go so far as to say that, for a man, relationships trump everything else.” Patrick Morley... Man Alive
_____ Complete the “Reflection and Discussion Questions” in the Man Alive book… (page 160)
… Write out your answers to these questions in your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal).
… Be prepared to discuss these questions in your squad this Friday night.
“Love is a skill that can be learned and improved.” Patrick Morley... Man Alive
In Matt 22:29 Jesus makes a direct connection between knowing the Bible and leading a powerful life.
_____ Think through and Memorize… Review the scriptures from the previous weeks
_____ Complete 5 Days of the “Journey 14 | The Fight of Your Life” in the Through the Word App
_____ Listen… Listen to the audio teaching on the chapter for the day …
_____ Read… Read through (or listen) to the assigned chapter for the day…
_____ Think… Journal (physical or digital journal) 3 times this week…
… What is God saying to you?…
… Use the SOAP method if that is your preference…
_____ Pray… Spend some time talking to God and some time listening to God…
_____ Connect with your accountability partner on Wednesday. We encourage you to connect with your accountability partner multiple times each week to encourage one another and pray for one another, however the Wednesday connection is mandatory and is a strike-able offence.
“… men are to be spiritual leaders. Leaders give before they receive. And I guarantee that if you lead in love, your wife and children and everyone else important to you will respond in kind.” Patrick Morley... Man Alive
_____Take notes on at least 1 sermon you have heard this week. Notes will go into your Band of Brothers Journal (physical or digital journal).
_____ 2 times this week spend uninterrupted time with your family, no distractions allowed. Set the example for them by laving all of YOUR distractions in another room.
_____ MARRIED MEN: 4 separate times this week, take time to pray this “Marriage Prayer”… and mean it!
Father, I said, “Til death do us part” - I want to mean it.
Help me to love You more than her, and her more than anyone or anything else.
Help me bring her into Your presence today. Make us one, like You are three in one.
I want to hear her, cherish her, and serve her- So she would love You more and we can bring You glory. Amen.
When you have completed your weekly challenges your final step is to complete the Weekly Accountability Form. Simply click the button below and you will be directed to that form. #builtforthis