Daily scripture for prayer for our nation // Oct 9, 2020

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Oct 5-Nov 3 We are inviting you to fast and pray with us for our nation!!

Our goal: pray for our nation 20 minutes/day, fast 1 meal/day.

TODAY: Pray that America would have an attitude of generosity and compassion.

Philippians 2:3-4 (NLT)

Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.

Daily scripture for prayer for our nation // Oct 8, 2020

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Oct 5-Nov 3 We are inviting you to fast and pray with us for our nation!!

Our goal: pray for our nation 20 minutes/day, fast 1 meal/day.

TODAY: Pray that anger and bitterness would be rooted out of America.

Ephesians 4:31-32 (NLT)

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

Daily scripture for prayer for our nation // Oct 7, 2020

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Oct 5-Nov 3 We are inviting you to fast and pray with us for our nation!!

Our goal: pray for our nation 20 minutes/day, fast 1 meal/day.

TODAY: Pray that God would raise up people in authority to whom He gives wisdom and knowledge.

Daniel 2:21-22 (NLT)

21 He controls the course of world events;
    he removes kings and sets up other kings.
He gives wisdom to the wise
    and knowledge to the scholars.
22 He reveals deep and mysterious things
    and knows what lies hidden in darkness,
    though he is surrounded by light.


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At LaPorte Assembly and 365 youth group, we raise money each year for Speed the Light. This organization (https://youth.ag.org/participate/speed-the-light/ ) exists to help missionaries around the world purchase supplies they need to do ministry- like vehicles. There are many ways to give to STL, but one simple way is to buy a STL t-shirt. The cost is $100 and all the money goes to STL.

This year, along with helping missionaries, STL has partnered with World Serve International (https://www.worldserveintl.org/ ) to help dig wells in Africa. Many villages/towns do not have a clean water source. People walk for hours each day to get water and often that water is diseased. A well in a village, especially at a church, can not only meet the physical needs of the people, but also can be an open door to meeting the spiritual needs!

We know that 2020 has been pretty crazy! We have had to alter our fundraising efforts and ideas but we are still going to put forth an effort to help those who need it!! If you are interested in purchasing a STL t-shirt or just giving to the organization, please click below and choose “Speed the Light” in the giving options! (If you would like to get a t-shirt, after you donate $100, be sure to send an email to heidi@laporteag.com with your shirt size included! Sizes are S,M,L, XL, 2XL or 3XL)


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We had an awesome week at teen camp!! This year was a little different- wearing face masks, social distancing and small gatherings, but all in all, we think it was one of the best camps ever!!! We have a great group of teens here at LPAG!

LPAG Guys Help Out After Storm

On Saturday, June 27th, a group of men from La Porte Assembly helped a single mom from our church take care of a tree that fell during a recent storm. What a great bunch of guys we have!!

SPECIAL OFFERING Sunday, June 28, 2020

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Next Sunday, June 28th, we will be taking a special offering for Project Rescue. Due to COVID 19, their ministry is experiencing some increased needs. You can click the link below to learn more about Project Rescue, but here is a summary of the situation:

Project Rescue works to free women and children around the world from sexual slavery. The COVID 19 pandemic has shut down red light districts and many of these women and children have been released. But they have no where to go! They are in need of homes, food, medical care, job training, etc. We have an incredible opportunity to help them by providing Project Rescue with finances to do what they have been doing all along! The number of families that need help is currently more than Project Rescue is able to do on their own. Our offerings will help these women and children to NEVER TO HAVE TO GO BACK.

 Project Rescue was founded by David & Dr Beth Grant 23 years ago. They operate in 21 Cities in 9 Countries. Last year, Project Rescue reached 53,000 women & children. Due to the pandemic, we have an opportunity to reach many, many more in 2020!

 We will be taking a special offering in church NEXT SUNDAY,  July 28th. If you would like to give online today, click below and scroll down to “PROJECT RESCUE” in the giving options:

To learn more about Project Rescue, click here: