Culver's Kickback Day for 365

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Our students are getting ready for their Winter Retreat in February! This is a super fun getaway weekend filled with outdoor adventures and spiritual challenges. The cost for each student is $125. We are trying to offset that a little bit by hosting a Culver’s Kickback Day. Our local Culver’s is AWESOME at giving back to the community. On Monday, January 11th, if you eat at Culver’s and put your receipt in the bucket, Culver’s will donate 10% of the proceeds from that day to our youth group!! Thanks in advance for your support!!

BGMC Offering! Sunday, December 6, 2020

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At LPAG, our kids raise money all year every year for Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge. They have little yellow containers, called Buddy Barrels, where they collect their coins throughout the year and on BGMC Sunday, they come into the sanctuary with the adults and turn in ALL their coins. And they also look to the adults for help!!! We like to ask you to bring your change (or bills!) on Sunday, December 6th to help the kids out!! During the offering, the kids walk around and “shakedown” the

Each year, we like to support one of the many projects BGMC is sponsoring. Our friend, Bill Howell, from ROMA LEARNING TO FLY is raising money for chicken coops and playgrounds for the Roma people. Click here to learn more: