/Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Teaching God’s Message in a Fresh Way
Acts 14: 15 (NLT)
“Friends, why are you doing this? We are merely human beings—just like you! We have come to bring you the Good News that you should turn from these worthless things and turn to the living God, who made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them.
As Paul grew in his understanding of scripture as it relates to Jesus, he made powerful connections with a variety of audiences that had never heard of Jesus. His ministry in Antioch Pisidia and Lystra are examples of how he effectively communicated the gospel to diverse audiences.
READ Acts 13: 16 – 41 and take note of the following details:
Where and to whom did Paul speak?
On what did he base his message? To what extent would his audience have known and believed what he was saying?
Through what context did Paul weave in the news of Jesus? In what ways would this have helped his audience understand his message?
What is the evidence that the people heard and understood Paul’s message, regardless of whether or not they agreed with it?
READ Acts 13: 42 – 52
Now READ Acts 14: 8 – 18 abut Paul teaching in Lystra and answer the following questions:
In what type of place does it appear Paul spoke?
As he spoke, what did Paul notice about one of his listeners?
What did Paul do in response?
Was it hard for Paul to convince the people that it was God who was at work? Did he succeed?
Based on their response, what were the spiritual beliefs of the people? Do you think they were devout in their religion? Why?