Wednesday, June 8, 2022


The Fruit of Suffering


2 Timothy 3: 12 (NLT) 

        …everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.


Although it’s painful to suffer for walking as Jesus walked, suffering can be instrumental in our spiritual development. Read the following passages, taking note of the writers’ perspectives on suffering, the promise of benefits in suffering, and the enduring hope of suffering.


Colossians 1; 24 – 29 How did Paul view suffer?




1 Peter 1: 3 – 9 In what eternal things can we hope when we suffer?

What is some of the fruit of our suffering?




1 peter 4; 12 – 16 What is the joy of suffering for Christ?

How does God view our suffering for Him?




Matthew 5; 10 – 12 For what reasons can we be glad when we suffer for Jesus’ sake?




Romans 5: 1 – 5 What is the fruit of suffering?

What is the hope of suffering?




James 1: 1 – 4 What do trials develop in the believer, and what should be our attitude toward them?




How would you describe the attitude of the early Christians toward suffering? How does their attitude differ from yours? From that of other believers you know?