Monday, August 29, 2022


Following the Example of the Rabbi


What do the following verses reveal about WHO Jesus wanted His disciples to be and WHAT He wanted them to do – HOW He wanted them to live out their faith?


Read:  Mark 3: 13 – 15;    Luke 6:40;    Luke 9: 1 - 6;     Luke 14: 27; 

           John 8: 31;   John 13: 13 – 17


  1. What do these verses show us what it meant to be like the Rabbi?











  1. In what ways is the picture of discipleship illustrated by these descriptions, teachings, and commands similar to or different from what we may understand discipleship to be?











  1. What specific changes in our thinking and practices of discipleship might we need to make if we desire to make the kind of difference in our world that Jesus’ disciples made in their world?