Thursday, September 22, 2022


Sent Out to Challenge a Human-centered Worldview


As the early church spread the gospel, they encountered a variety of worldviews and the nature of understanding truth. The conflict between a God-centered worldview and a human-centered worldview continues to our day. Will people today acknowledge God as creator and ruler of all creation, or will they insist on claiming to be their own authority? Do human beings determine truth or is God the source of all truth?


  1. READ: Psalm 22: 27 – 29; Isaiah 29: 13 – 16; Romans 9: 20 & 21

According to the Bible, who is the ultimate, supreme authority in the universe?




  1. READ: Genesis 3: 1 – 7


a.     In which ways did Satan’s tempting offer to Eve challenge a God-centered worldview?



b.    Which alternative worldview did Satan offer?



c.     In which ways is this conflict played out in our world, and in your life, today?




  1. READ: 1 John 2: 15 & 16

John is clear that we can’t have both a God-centered worldview AND a human-centered worldview, we MUST CHOOSE one or the other.


a.     READ: Romans 1: 18 – 32  What happens when people consider something or someone other than God to the ultimate authority?




b.    Since the beginning of humanity, Satan has attacked God’s supremacy

by seeking to eliminate the God-centered worldview and replacing it with his own.  What do you learn about the significance and consequences of this conflict from JUDE 3 – 8?