Pastor Jeff Hines named Indiana A/G "Shepherd of the Year".
/Every May, the pastors and staff head to the state-wide annual business meetings for the Assemblies of God. These meetings, along with the business dealings, also celebrate the newly certified, licensed and ordained ministers throughout the state. We celebrate students who have completed levels in their Indiana School of Ministry training, and Pastor Don Gifford, as led by the Holy Spirit, picks one pastor from the entire state to be named the Shepherd of the Year. This year, La Porte Assembly had a lot of reasons to celebrate at District Council! First of all, our own Johanna Hines was presented with a Bible Certificate for taking (and excelling in) Bible classes through the school of ministry. Next, as a complete surprise to Pastor Jeff, Pastor Don chose our pastor to be the 2019 SHEPHERD OF THE YEAR. This is a huge honor that Pastor was completely humbled to receive. The rest of us (staff) were informed ahead of time and were able to invite our elders and deacons to drive to Lafayette to celebrate with him.
This is also Pastor Jeff’s 30th anniversary of ministry at La Porte Assembly. We are blessed by his commitment to our city and to us as a church! In honor of his 30 years, the board of elders has decided to build Pastor and Johanna a new deck for their home. If you are interested in being a part of celebrating his 30 years of ministry, we would love for you to write a few words of encouragement in a card and drop it in the box in the church foyer this Sunday (June 16th).
Thank you for taking time to love and honor our pastor! -LPAG staff